There are currently six IOOG data collection tools that can be used to fit your purposes. Please click on the relevant one for more information:
1. The IOOG Common Otology Dataset for Chronic Ear Surgery
2. The Automated IOOG Classification of Tympanomastoid Surgery
3. The SAMEO-ATO Tympanomastoid Staging App
5. The Standardised Operative Note for EPIC users
6. The IOOG Ear Data Excel Tool
IOOG Common Otology Dataset for Chronic Ear Disease
The IOOG Common Otology Dataset for Chronic Ear Surgery can be downloaded below (updated 11 January 2019):
Version 2019.01.11
Automated IOOG Classification of Tympanomastoid Surgery
The automated IOOG Classification of Tympano-mastoid surgery and EAONO/JOS Classification and Staging of Cholesteatoma (SAMEO-ATO) data entry tool (updated 11 January 2019) can be downloaded below (updated 12 Oct 2019):
Version 2019.10.12
SAMEO-ATO Tympanomastoid Staging App
NEW!! The SAMEO-ATO app is now available for use. It is designed to simplify the classification of your tympano- mastoidectomy surgeries. Click on the icon below to access the link.
IOOG Mobile App
The IOOG Mobile App is now available can be used by members of the International Otology Outcome Group.
It is an accessible and user-friendly tool that can be used to import data into a REDCap database. The app and the database can be accessed with an institution-specific API Url and a valid REDCap project token. It is available also for iOS and Android phones on the iStore and Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ioogmobile).
For the REDCap instruments, please follow this link. Your local team will need to set up the database in your institution.
The complete IOOG Mobile Privacy Policy can be viewed in the following document:
IOOG Mobile Privacy Policy
Stansardised Operative Note for Epic Users

This standardised operative note (see attached files below), optimised for use in Epic, offers an efficient means for documenting surgical steps and operative findings related to cholesteatoma surgery. Otolaryngologists may find it helpful to use this standardised operative note to improve completeness of documentation, reduce time spent documenting, and improve ability to capture relevant data for research.
Authors: Matthew J. Wu BS [1,2,3], Adrian L. James, DM, FRCS (ORL-HNS) [4,5], Elliott D. Kozin MD [1,2]
1Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
2Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
3Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, Illinois, USA.
4Department of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
5Department of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
IOOG Standardised Operative Note EPIC

Accompanying Figures
User Guide
IOOG Ear Data Excel Tool
Like the others, the data fields of this tool are built around the IOOG common otology data recommendations but are for users have concerns around cloud-based databases.
IOOG Ear Data Excel Tool Version 2021.05.04
User Guide